Sharing posts in our Facebook Group

Our Facebook Group is an open way for SVAI members to share news, ideas, research and connect with each other.  We do not allow event or conference promotions through this group. Thanks for understanding. ✌🏿

Email Communications

Our email communications are limited to SVAI events and initiatives. We do not share or provide access to our member or attendee lists to groups outside of SVAI. 

How is SVAI Organized?

We are a 501c3 non-profit in the state of California.

How do you choose speakers/ topics for your events?

 We strive to feature up and coming leaders in the AI field, mixed with established names. Speakers are selected on an invite only bases to give educationally based talks that focus on current events, industry verticals or research breakthroughs. We do not host marketing talks. 

It would be awesome if SVAI created a way to collaborate on open source AI/ML problems.

Our first collaborative open source effort was a success, and we have just announced our second one! We have invited AI and Bio researchers to pursue research on a rare disease. Check out the past projects on Our Github page.

It seems like you are focusing a lot on computational biology, genomics, computational chemistry & healthcare.

We are. We believe that AI / ML applied to these fields holds the greatest potential scientific🔬 and medical discoveries of our lifetime. 

I'm not interested in any of those things. Is SVAI still relevant to me?


Can I recruit AI/ML talent through SVAI?

We started a jobs board to share opportunities from highly qualified Startups, Research Universities and established Companies. Check it out here:

Silicon Valley is cool, but can you do some stuff in East Bay?

For sure. We ♥️️ East Bay. 

How can my startup or company be involved with SVAI?

Get to know us! We're interested in great people, new research, venues and financial support to help sustain our activities and grow.

The art on your site is really wonderful.

Yay! thanks. We're lucky to be working in collaboration with Pamela Davis Kivelson.

I studied AI & Machine Learning in school, is this the right group for me?

Oh hi, friend! 🙋

We want to support SVAI financially.

Cool. Donations are really impactful. They help us create datasets for meaningful events, and operationally run the events.

Will AI take over all of our jobs?

Yes. But if you're in our group, the AI will know you are on it's side. 👻

How many members are in your group?


We're hosting an AI event, can you promote it to your members?


Our group wants to collaborate with SVAI.

Let us know what you are working on! We will selectively collaborate with projects where there is near 100% overlap in mission, values and objectives.